November 24, 2014


With Thanksgiving being on Thursday, the theme for this week is gratitude.

The "attitude of gratitude" is something we should be expressing year round not just around the holidays. When we are grateful, it makes us happier and more optimistic. Expressing gratitude also improve our lives, lets check how...

Gratitude attracts what we want. The universal law of attraction states we attract into our live the things we think about and focus on. Let's think about this for a second... since this true, wouldn't you want more of what you are thankful for? (I know what my answer is, and I think yours is the same). When we are aware of how blessed we truly  are and express gratitude for these blessing, we are putting more focus on what we want in our lives - and therefore, are attracting an abundance of those things into our lives. Looking for more financial abundance, instead of focusing of the lack on money you have be grateful for the money you do have. As you are paying your bills, say 'Thank you for allowing me to be able to pay this bill." even if you owe $1,000 and are only making a $30 payment, express the gratitude to be able to pay the bill. Find a penny on the ground, pick it up and say 'thank you for this gift of abundance." To you its only a penny, to the Universe you are expressing gratitude for a gift and before long you will be finding dollar bills or bigger.

Gratitude improves relationships. As kids we are taught manners and to say "thank you". We say thank people for gestures and gifts; however, how often do we thank those people in our lives we are most appreciative of?  Let them know! Let these people know how you feel about them. How appreciative you are for them. Something I started to do is instead of birthday cards, I send a Thank You card. Thanking them for their friendship and being a part of my life. What better gift can you give them the gift of gratitude.

Gratitude reduces negativity and helps us learn.  There is a bright side to EVERYTHING and its hard to negative when you are focusing on the things you are grateful for. Count your blessing and your mood will improve.  Be grateful for every situation - it is through these situation we are learning and growing as a person.

My gift to you this week is a Gratitude Mediation from Deepka Chopra to help you express more gratitude.

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