June 23, 2015

Guiltless Chocolate

Ok, I'm craving chocolate, and it's a craving with a vengeance!  The carrots, cucumbers, and fruit aren't fixing this craving. Does this happen to anyone else??  I don't deprive myself of a craving; however, don't want to put junk into my body either.
These are so good, and thankfully are more of a healthified indulgence!!! So I whipped up a batch and now my craving is satisfied! :-)
Happy Tuesday Everyone!!

~ Guilt-free chocolate ~
4 Tbsp organic coconut oil
8 Tbsp Vegan or Regular Chocolate Shakeology
Melt oil. Mix in Shakeology. Pour into a muffin liner/pan and freeze for 5 minutes.
For more of an experience you can also add the layer of PB or almond butter. Freeze 15 min. Repeat the first step and freeze for 10!

New way to get in those superfoods with Shakeology?? Oh yeah!

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