July 10, 2015

Summer Support & Accountability.

Alright, lets get honest! Summer is full swing how is yours going? Are you staying on point with your nutrition and exercise, or is are thinking "exercise... whats that?"? Are you having a little too much fun at BBQ's?

Are you feeling extremely BLAHHH on Sunday night or Monday morning and are you ready to get back on track or even just start all over again!?!

Lots of you want to know when my next 21 Day Fix group is going to start!!!! So here is the deal!

The date is out! July 20th!!!
The group is a 6 week support and accountability group focused on helping you to dial in your nutrition, to learn about a healthier eating plan, to make exercise a part of your lifestyle, to find time for yourself, and to make it work with your ALREADY on the go lifestyle!

It is all about finding balance, having fun and being the healthiest and happiest you can be!
If you truly are ready to take a leap of faith then I am inviting you to join my 6 week summer support and accountability group!

Complete the application below if you are not currently working with or have a coach to join and/or get more details: http://bit.ly/ANewYouWithCoachMichelle

Plus this month anyone who purchased the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack gets entered to win 1 of 5 Fixate cook books which feature 101 recipes from 21 Day Fix Creator Autumn Calabrese to spice up your nutrition and keep you on the right path to success!

There is no better time than now! heart emoticon Lets do this! 

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