November 18, 2014

Laugh at Your Fear

Fear, it is something we all have. Each and everyone of us fears something. Now there are somethings we are naturally going to be afraid as we were taught at a young age we should fear them for our own safety. Such not touching a hot oven as we will get burned, or running into the street without looking, as we might get hit by a car. Now we also have those fears living deep within our soul, which we have been carrying around with us for years and are serving us no good. These fear are holding us back from living our lives to their fullest potential, this fear needs to be faced head on! I know it is easier said the done; however remember this… Fear is False, Expectations, Appearing, Real. Fear isn't real… its all in our subconscious mind, which is why we can release and detach from it.  Try these steps to help you release your fears

The MOST important step is first admitting the fear which is currently holding your back. Whether its not having enough money, never finding a partner, not having the body you want, whatever is it may be, write it down. I know this sounds so basic, yet, you'd be surprised how many people aren't willing to put what they are afraid of down on paper.   

As you are writing your fear, look at it and start to think about all the reasons why its insane. Look at all the different ways in which you can laugh at this fear. If writing doesn't work for you, call up a friend and tell them you need to confess your fears to them. When we see it and hear it, we realize how silly it sounds. For myself one of my fears was not being successful. I'm laughing as I type this because of how crazy I now realize it sounds. Why did I have this fear, because I always associated success with financial wealth, not personal wealth! It wasn't until someone said to me "I wish I had your success"which made me realize how successful I am. When I set a goal, I achieve it, equaling success.  My goal is life is to help realize their true potential and reach their goals. Just about everyday I have someone tell me how much I have helped them, and how much they value the relationship we have. I'd say thats pretty successful. 

So write down your fear, dissect it and laugh it. Laugh at how crazy it sounds. Laugh at the chaos. Laugh just to laugh, as laughter really is the best medicine. 

Toolbox Tuesday's First Tool… Laughter. 

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