June 2, 2014

Spartan Race A Look Back.

This Saturday June 7th is my second Spartan Race, which has me thinking back to last year when I did my first race. I would like to share with you want I learned from my first race. 

When I woke-up on June 1, 2013 the temperature was about 90 degrees. The butterflies in my stomach were dancing around to the point I couldn’t eat, yet knew I needed too. I was about to do my first Spartan Race, even though I was doing the Biggest Loser Run/Walk, I was running with the Spartans and was beginning to wonder what I had gotten talked into.

As I started the race, I was nervous, VERY nervous! Into the first mud pit I went, and low and behold all the nerves were now replaced with adrenaline and making sure the people I was doing the race with were okay. When it came to the first obstacles I did it and succeeded, as the race progressed I cringed as I looked at some of the obstacles yet attempted it. When the walls got too high for me to go over, I had someone help me. When it got to the rope climb with the mud pit, I looked at it and said “NO WAY!” I had wrote it off because I was afraid. The guy I was doing the race with told me to try and he would hold the rope for me. After making a few faces at him, I made my way into the mud pit and began pulling myself up the rope. I didn’t make it to the top, but I did make it 6 feet from the top, which was good enough. Did I complete all of the obstacles successfully, no, but at least I tried. While nervous, I even jumped over the fire!
What I I learned, from this race is… when it comes to physical challenges, I need to leave my comfort zone more. Before the race I said “one (mud run) and done” now I can’t wait for my next one. I also learned I am stronger both physically and mentally then I give myself credit for. I watched Spartans in tears from the amount of pain they were in from muscles cramping, yet I was doing good. The only part of me which hurt were my feet. I owe being able to complete this race to my trainer Robert J. DeVito for this support and giving me the proper training and to my yoga instructors. Yes, I said yoga instructors. When it got to the point when I was about to hit the preverbal wall, I turned within to find my inner strength to go on. I focused on the job at hand, and was able to finish. Do I know my exact time, no. Do I want to know my exact time, no. I know, I completed something I never thought I would do and that is all that matters to me! :-)

I can't wait to share with you all what I learn from this years race. 
Keep Smiling,