December 9, 2014

Tuesday's Tool ~ Ego Eradicator

One of my favorite meditations is the Kundalini Ego Eradicator, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, for 3-5 minutes. Here is a breakdown which will allow you to  practice at home. I highly recommend creating  a 40 day practice out of this to see the best results!

                                                        Ego Eradicator

TIME: 1-5 minutes
POSTURE: Sit in Easy Pose.
MUDRA: Raise your arms to 60 degrees. Curl the fingertips onto the pads at the base of the finder. Plug thumbs into the sky as if you are plugging your thumb outside of your aura so your ego can be released out. 

EYES: Eyes are closed and your focus should be above your head.
  1. Set the intention that you are going to allow yourself to release your ego from your aura. Allow the blocks your ego sets up for you, in your mind, to be released. 
  2. Sitting up tall, with a straight spine, hands placed on knees in open palm mudra and your eyes closed, start by feeling your belly expand with each inhale and contract with each exhale.
  3. Breath of Fire is powered from the navel point (solar plexus) and the diaphragm is used to pump the navel in and out with each exhale and inhale, respectively.
  4. Now, open the mouth and pant like a dog through to understand the diaphragm pattern. Once you have a rhythm, close your mouth and breathe through your nostrils. Now you are doing it!
  5. Quicken the pace of the inhale and exhale, but keep them equal. There is a quick inhale and quick exhale with no pause between them at the rate of approximately 2-3 cycles per second.
  6. Begin practicing for 1-3 minutes at a time. When done correctly, your chest will remain relaxed and slightly lifted and your hands, feet, face and abdomen will also be relaxed.

Please Note: If you feel dizzy, giddy, or light headed, slow down your pace and ensure both the inhale and exhale are of equal duration. Breath of Fire should not be done when menstruating or pregnant women, or children younger than 16.

TO END: Inhale, hold the breathe and touch the thumb tips together over the head. Exhale and release the thumbs down and relax. 
Envision the energy that you are releasing to go through your thumbs. Repeat 2x and extend all your fingers and create an arch of light around your body. Set the intention that you are clearing your aura space and only allowing love, light and positivity to enter and exit your being. 

{Originally Published on DoYouYoga.Com}

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