December 16, 2014

I am...

Last night, I got some unexpected news which to be perfectly honest caught me off guard and got me really pissed off. After getting the news, I began texting with a friend trying to figure out how to handle the situation; however, it wasn't making me feel any better. It was actually making me feel worse, as I'm seeing everything unfolding in words. I send my friend the following "I just feel like my life has been falling apart for the past few years and no matter what I do it doesn't get better." As I was typing this out the tears began to flow down my face and I ended up crying on the bathroom floor. I was crying on the floor feeling like a complete an utter failure. Saying how I felt like an effing loser and how I had my life more together in my 20's then I do in my 30's. It was a good ole pity party taking place in the bathroom. It took my friend saying to me "You are an amazing person doing something you love, sometimes it looks bleakest right before it become amazing." I then started laughing at myself... I am amazing! I am doing something which I love! Why the hell am I crying on the bathroom floor, I am a  fighter and will figure this shit out.  I got up off the floor took a shower and was ready to walk out of the bathroom with a whole different view then when I walked in.  Why am I telling you this… You see when I was saying I am failure, I truly felt like I was. I was believing those words, and if I'm believing those words so is the Universe. If I'm believing those words, my vibrational frequency is going to be lower and therefore I'm going to continue feeling pissed off at the world and sitting on the bathroom floor.  The second I started laughing (which laughter also raises your vibration) and said I AM AMAZING! I AM DOING WHAT I LOVE! I AM A FIGHTER! I started to feel better, I was putting out positive energy. The Universe was receiving my positive affirmation and in return making me feel better. Positive I AM affirmations are instead mood changers. So the next time you are feeling upset or a little off, pay attention to what you are saying about yourself. 

Today's tool… I am… 

Keep Smiling, 
Michelle :-) 

PS. I start each day off with an I am statement and have several reminder "I am" messages pop up on my phone throughout the day. Seeing I am grateful before I go to bed each night makes me remember how blessed, I truly am. 

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