June 22, 2015

Believe and you will see...

As I sat on the beach this afternoon starring out at the ocean I realized how blessed I truly am and how grateful I am I trusted my gut. Two years I signed my resignation letter and handed it to the director of the school I was working. I had nothing lined up for September and didn't even have a place to live yet, all I knew was... I was moving to the beach. My mom thought I was crazy and repeatedly asked 'you're really moving down the shore?'. To which I responded with 'yes, mom'. My aunt and Grammy kept saying to her 'Bon, she's got a good head on her shoulders she knows what she's doing.' However, it wasn't until I told her I could hear grandpa's voice saying 'you've got this kiddo!' that she was finally kinda on board. Along the way though I faced many unplanned struggles, the biggest being having the place I was supposed to move into fall through 3 weeks before I needed to out of my current place!!! Anyone else would have thrown on the towel... But not me!! I got on the phone with my bestie, we brainstormed and came up with a plan and a little financial help (thanks again). Two days later I met with Tara to check out the place I would end up moving into and do the roommate thing for the first time since college. I now had a place to live and my focus was on getting a job, which happened on Aug 25th. Moving day came and I had more stuff then I realized and ended up having to leave certain things behind and have my stepdad help me move things at 5am the next morning. During all this I was stressed out to point were at night I was elbowing myself in my sleep and would wake-up with huge bruises on my leg. I also wasn't working out and was kinda living on Shakeology. Even with all the stress and struggles (yes there are more) I never backed down from making my dream a reality. My faith and desire kept me going and its my faith and desire which keep me going with Beachbody. I have faced SO many struggles in my business, but I don't let this stop me. I take these struggles and learn from them. It is be learning from them in which I can now share what I've learned with my coaches, so they don't make the same mistakes I did. Unplanned events are part of life... It's what we do during these times and how we come out on the other side which matters most.

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