February 23, 2016

How To Go From Worrier to Warrior

Are you a worrier?
This was is something I’ve struggled with for years!
I’d worry about how I was gonna pay my rent, whether the spot on my leg was cancerous or not, that something tragic happened to a loved one when they didn’t call when they said they were going to.
Here's what I found out: Worrying focuses energy where we DON’T want it to go.
In fact, I created a system to go from worrier to warrior! Wanna know my system? Join the From Worrier to Warrior program.
This is an exclusive 4-week long small group program for worriers who know their worrying and fears have been holding them back from being the badass warrior they are.
**I'm taking 15 women TOPS into this program. I want to make sure everyone gets plenty of time to have questions answered on the live calls.
Join the Warrior List NOW! Click the click to join the Warrior List http://bit.ly/Worrier2Warrior

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