February 23, 2016

How To Go From Worrier to Warrior

Are you a worrier?
This was is something I’ve struggled with for years!
I’d worry about how I was gonna pay my rent, whether the spot on my leg was cancerous or not, that something tragic happened to a loved one when they didn’t call when they said they were going to.
Here's what I found out: Worrying focuses energy where we DON’T want it to go.
In fact, I created a system to go from worrier to warrior! Wanna know my system? Join the From Worrier to Warrior program.
This is an exclusive 4-week long small group program for worriers who know their worrying and fears have been holding them back from being the badass warrior they are.
**I'm taking 15 women TOPS into this program. I want to make sure everyone gets plenty of time to have questions answered on the live calls.
Join the Warrior List NOW! Click the click to join the Warrior List http://bit.ly/Worrier2Warrior

February 17, 2016

Mediterranean Turkey Burgers

Total Time: 30 min. Prep Time: 20 min. Cooking Time: 10 min. Yield: 6 servings

¾ cup reduced-fat (2%) Greek yogurt
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped, divided use
¼ tsp. dried dill weed
1½ lbs. 93% lean ground turkey
1 medium red onion, thinly slice half, finely chop half, divided use
¼ cup finely chopped sun-dried tomatoes
2 oz. frozen spinach, thawed, squeeze out liquid using a kitchen towel, chopped
6 Tbsp. crumbled feta cheese
1 tsp. dried oregano
½ cup whole grain bread crumbs
1 large egg
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
1 cooked medium beet, sliced thin
¼ medium cucumber, sliced thin

1. To make yogurt sauce, combine yogurt, lemon juice, 1 clove garlic, and dill in a small bowl; mix well. Refrigerate, covered, until needed.
2. Preheat grill or broiler to high.
3. Combine turkey, chopped onion, sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, cheese, remaining 1 clove garlic, oregano, bread crumbs, and egg in a medium bowl. Season with salt and pepper if desired; mix well with clean hands. Form turkey mixture evenly into six patties.
4. Grill or broil patties for about 5 minutes on each side, or until no longer pink in the middle.
5. Serve patties topped evenly with yogurt sauce, onion slices, beet, and cucumber.

Nutrition Info
Calories ~ 258 Fat ~ 13 g Protein ~ 28 g Carbs ~ 8 g

February 15, 2016

Don't Let...

Don’t let HATE hijack your HEART.

Don’t let FEAR and TERRORISM brainwash your MIND.

Don’t let EVIL and WAR conquer your SOUL. 

Don’t let NEGATIVITY and ANGER poison your SPIRIT.

Focus on the GOOD and the POSITIVE.


LEARN from the negative.

Recognize your BLESSINGS.

Find the HUMOR when possible.

Do unto others as you’d have KARMA do unto you.

Instead of asking yourself, “what’s in it for me?”, ask yourself, “what’s in it for the GREATER GOOD?”.

Stay VIGILANT, but don’t let fear and worry consume you.

RESPECT and ACCEPT differences.

Continue to LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH and encourage and inspire others to be AWESOME.

December 21, 2015

Turn your Resolution into RESULTS

Is it the no monthly contract  at the local gym?
Or maybe the 7-10 pounds you’ve packed on between Halloween & Christmas?!
Or…. perhaps the ever popular “this is my year” attitude??
I’m sure there are tons of reasons why…. but a recent study shows the TOP 3 New Year’s Resolution in America are:
*Improve DIET*
With obesity rates rising  and heart disease being the number one cause of death in America, its AMAZING so many people want to focus on their health. 

Most common new years resolutions, Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, A goal without plans is simply a wish, fitness motivation, fitness inspiration, inspired mom, Beachbody, 3 day refresh cleanse beachbody ,Pittsburgh, New year new you, new years resolutions, help with weightloss, online support group, online health and fitness support group, tips for healthy living, tips for weightloss, fit mom, clean eating, hammer & chisel challenge group, Top Beachbody Coach, Elite Beachbody Coach, Elite top team, resolutions into results
Yet, only 8% of American’s are actually successful in achieving their resolutions!

They don’t have a system of tools and support!
They’re afraid of change – they fear failure – they don’t know HOW to get started - they don’t have a support system - Etc, etc, etc!  I get it…. change, failure and not knowing how to get started, and lack of support are all scary.
But here’s the deal… if you make a few temporary changes the results will also be…. you guessed it…  temporary. You won’t truly achieve what you’re setting out to do unless you make a CHANGE!
A change in the way you think – act- believe and yes – a change in your LIFESTYLE!

So – what’s the deal?

First off  – it's much easier said than done! (Come on…. you’ve probably had a health and fitness resolution since Y2K)
Making a lifestyle change – a HEALTHY lifestyle change isn’t always easy.
Some people will doubt you or maybe your doubting yourself, others may not support you when support is all you need, and then there are those who have nothing nice to say, but don't know how to keep their mouth shut. You’re afraid you don’t have the time or the money – But these are all just excuses – if you have a plan – you can overcome every single excuse – and then some!
Committing to a healthy eating and a consistent exercise routine is HARD. But so is living in a body you’re unhappy with.
Then take action.
I’ve started and stopped my fair share of “changes” but nearly 3 years ago I made one change which has forever changed my life.
I made my health my number one priority!
I had been diagnosed with a gluten intolerance and had lost 15 lbs of muscle. After taking a year to figure out food, I worked with a trainer and feel in love with fitness.  I took my new found love for fitness, along with my passion for food (yup, I'm foodie) and started running online accountability groups filled with other women who had similar struggles as I did – similar fears – and similar goals – TO LIVE A HEALTHIER LIFE!
I bought P90X3 - I pushed play – in my home – for 30 minutes a day. I worked just as hard at home if not harder, than I did with my trainer. I was not only supporting the women in my groups, they were supporting ME! We were in this TOGETHER! Checking into the group daily for accountability ~ I was sharing advice and they were implementing it ~  I was sharing my struggles as were they ~ I provided the meal plans and recipes and low and behold ~ WE GOT RESULTS!

So I ask you all to take this as a personal INVITATION to make this your year.

Your time to shine and your time to FOLLOW THROUGH with your commitment – your commitment to BE HEALTHIER! TO BE THE BEST YOU!

I’m kicking off my Turn your Resolution into RESULTS Support and Accountability Group

January 4th and I am looking for 10 people to join me!

You will receive:
1:1 coaching,
ongoing accountability,
meal planning,
support and motivation
- you just have to COMMIT!
Let’s start off 2016 with a bang!

Join us and we’ll do this TOGETHER!

(Please fill out the application below to be considered for one of the 10 spots. Must not already be working with another coach!)

Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

December 10, 2015

Merry Christmas to ME!!

Do you buy yourself a Christmas present?
Every year for I don't know how long, I've been buying myself a Christmas present. It might be a series of yoga classes, reiki training, highlights and a new do, the list goes on and on, but I treat myself to something I REALLY WANT!
Well last week the Masters Hammer & Chisel was released and 72 hours later I had bought my Christmas present! Merry Christmas to me! As you may or may not know us I have a gluten intolerance, which resulted me to losing 15 lbs of muscle before I knew what was wrong with me. The road to gain my muscle back has been long and hard! I've gained and lost along the way, as well as plateaued, which is why I'm so excited Hammer & Chisel was at my door yesterday!
My struggle to gain weight is finally over as I now have a system which is going to push me harder then my awesome ass-kicking trainer did. I've got a meal plan system telling me exactly how much protein, veggies, fruit, carbs, and healthy fats I need each day to achieve my goals. I've got a system which is able to grow with me as I get stronger. I've got an amazing support and accountability system, which will push me on the days when I don't want to workout.
So have you been struggling to tone up or gain weight?
Then I invite you to join me on my journey to get chiseled in 2016.
Fill out the form if you're interested and I'll give you all the info. 

There is strength in numbers. Make 2016, your sweet 16!

Keep Smiling,
Michelle :-) 

November 24, 2015

The Universe Always Has The Better Plan For Us.

Something is for certain and that is that the Universe/God's plan is always the right plan. We might not always see things happening the way we want them to happen or on the timelines we want them to occur by, but if you are patient you will see God's plan for you! Oh, I can tell you I couldn’t wrap my mind around why I kept getting leave replacement after leave replacement, when all I wanted was my own classroom. I was upset, frustrated and confused. I knew I was an awesome science teacher, so why wasn’t anyone hiring me? After three years of taking leave replacement positions in public schools, I said to myself “They pay less but you want your own classroom, so it’s time to look into applying to private schools”

Well…. Everything Happens for a Reason, right?!!! I got a teaching job at a private school, and finally had my own classroom. The Universe had blessed me with these amazing students to teach, not just teach them science but to teach them life skills too. I was finally teaching, and I was living high on life and happy!!

After 2 years, though the happiness had worn off and I wanted out! I wasn’t happy where I was, the environment I was in felt toxic to me, and I didn’t like the person I was becoming. It was at that moment I took a leap of faith, and left the classroom I had longed for and had NOTHING lined up. To add even more fuel to the fire, I also decided I needed a whole life change and was going to make my dream of living at the beach a reality. To say I was stressed is an understatement!! I”m a fighter, and a survivor though, I knew I’d figure this out… So I put my trust in God, and responded to a Craigslist ad for a job AND a place to live. Putting my trust in God paid off as he put the coaching opportunity in my path, and while I was nervous, skeptical, and really didn’t want to spend the $40 bucks to get started… I also knew I had spent more than 40 bucks on wine and vodka, and all that did was ease the pain of my current situation, it wasn’t improving it any. I was a girl, who had no clue of what she was doing or what Beachbody was, but... loved nutrition, helping others, and had a new found love fitness! So I said “I’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain” and signed up to become a coach.

The Universe has a funny way of doing things sometimes, but they always have such a greater impact than what we think "our" plan would. My life is far from perfect, I still have struggles, but I can tell you this… I’m grateful and blessed for the struggles as well as the success in my life. Every day I’m grateful for the CL ad which crossed my path, to be working a "job" with so many amazing friends and living out my purpose of helping others live a happier, healthier, fuller life.  And to think.....my eyes were so focused on having a classroom. The Universe always has the better plan for us 

Does the Universe have coaching in your plan?


November 16, 2015

Make NOW the time to check out Beachbody

If you’ve been wondering what all the craze is about Beachbody home workouts, NOW is the time to check it out, since some of my favorite programs are on sale throughout the entire month of November 2015.
The fabulous workout programs on sale this month include the 21 Day Fix, the 21 Day Fix Kickstart, the 21 Day Fix Extreme Kickstart, CIZE and CIZE Kickstart – each one designed to give you a new body and the strength and determination to make it last.

Disclosure: I am affiliated with Beachbody and this post may contain affiliate links I earn a small commission from. That said, I use Beachbody products myself every day and recommend them to my closest family and friends as a life changer!

21 Day Fix

21 Day Fix on sale
This program by Autumn Calabrese merges smart nutrition tips with high-energy fitness. The sale pack includes six workouts, 30 days of Shakeology, a free 30-day Team Beachbody Club membership including free Beachbody on Demand streaming video – that’s just about every Beachbody video available PLUS exclusive On Demand workouts whenever you want to work out – and a free insulated tote bag.
This month, save $70, and pay just $140 for everything in the package.

21 Day Fix Extreme

21 Day Fix Extreme on Sale
Autumn gets serious with this hard-core 21-day program, which includes 30-minute workouts and a nutrition program that focuses on clean eating. The program includes color-coded portion control containers so you know exactly what to eat and how much. The Challenge Pack also includes 30 days of Shakeology and a 30-day membership to Team Beachbody Club, which makes the Beachbody On Demand library available to keep things fresh for the month – and keep you motivated.
Plus, you’ll save $70 at the low $140 November sale price.

21 Day Fix Kickstart

2 Day Fix Kickstart on Sale

This is the program for people who want big results FAST! It includes Autumn’s 3-Day Refresh Kit, her 21-Day Fix program, a collection of 30-minute workouts – so no time will never again be an excuse – and color-coded containers to help with portion control. (And don’t forget the 30-day Team Beachbody Club membership, which unlocks the entire Beachbody library!)
This month, pay only $180, and save $95 over the full price of the pack.

21 Day Fix EXTREME Kickstart

21 Day Fix Extreme Kickstart on Sale

This get-results-fast program is designed to help you get fit in a flash. The Challenge Pack includes Autumn’s intense nutrition program – it focuses on clean eating, so you’ll get rid of all the crap – along with portion control containers and a tough-but-effective workout program that take just 30 minutes a day. Again, it includes a 30-day membership to the Team Beachbody Club, which gives you a chance to find out if Beachbody on Demand and other Beachbody programs – including being coached by me! – is right for you.
You’ll save $95 at the low $180 price tag.


Cize on sale

Save a bunch this month when teaming up the dance-focused CIZE workouts with a 30-day supply of energy-producing Shakeology. The program includes six fat-obliterating dance courses, a meal plan as well as guides to help you get started and a handful of free gifts, along with a free 30-day trial to Team Beachbody Club, which again includes the On Demand library to keep your workouts fresh.
Cize, at $140, you save $90 over buying each item separately.

CIZE Kickstart

Cize Kickstart Sale

This results-driven program starts with a 3-Day Refresh to get you back on track and free you from unhealthy eating habits. You will also receive the CIZE base kit with dance-based workouts that melt away fat, the Hold Your Own DVD and a 30-day subscription to the Team Beachbody Club, which includes access to thousands of variety-packed workouts.
Cize Kickstart, priced at $180, you’ll save more than $115 over the regular price.

Shakeology Boost Bundles

Shakeology Boost on Sale
Boost up your Shakeology (or other healthy drinks) and customize your daily nutrition to your moods and needs. Whether you need a shock of energy and focus, a little digestive cleanse or some extra veggies in your life, these boosts are your answer.
Save 25% for a limited time
If you’ve been curious about trying Beachbody, now is the best time to get started. The savings are remarkable, and you’ll be getting a chance to add some of the hottest workouts on the market to your collection.

© 2015 Motivation by Michelle. All Rights Reserved. Results may vary. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition. Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program or using any supplement or meal replacement product. The information here is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace the advice of a healthcare professional. If you experience any pain or difficulty with exercises or diet, stop and consult your healthcare provider. Disclaimer