June 30, 2015

Coming in July....

I can't believe its almost July! Where the heck has 2015 gone... With July comes LOTS of new products from Beachbody, which also means lots of discounted prices for the launch of these amazing new products. Here is just a sneak peek as to what is coming out in July. 

Cize - Shaun T's end to exercise. Its a dance program, which is sure to get your heart pumping, and your body moving. I've done a workout from this program already and I sweat my buns off. For more info and to win a copy http://bit.ly/TheEndofExercise I'll be doing a Cize group on July 27th and would LOVE to have you join us!

Fixate - This one is for you 21 Day Fix Lovers. Autumn's new cookbook Fixate will teach you how to make healthy, delicious meals which fit into your busy lifestyle. And every recipe includes container equivalents to use with 21 Day Fix, as well as nutritional information you can use with any Beachbody fitness program. For more info please message me.

Beachbody Performance - Designed by Harvard-trained scientists and based on cutting-edge sports science, exercise physiology, and nutrition research, Beachbody Performance contains scientifically proven ergogenic (performance enhancing) ingredients and plant-based nutrients to help maximize exercise performance and recovery safely, effectively, and naturally. No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives. For more info http://bit.ly/BBPerformanceInfo

June 29, 2015

21 Reasons to Try the 21 Day Fix.

I didn't need a reason to try 21 Day Fix. I saw the results people were getting, knew the containers would help me and I was hooked.  However... Just in case you need a little more motivation then I did.... Here are  21 reasons. 

21 Day Fix is the first Beachbody program to place equal emphasis on nutrition and exercise. It’s simple. It’s straightforward. And it was created with two main goals in mind: to help you lose weight and get fit—fast.
1. Rapid Results in just three weeks - Who says you have to bust your butt all spring to get a bathing-suit-ready body? 21 Day Fix is designed to help you lose up to 15 pounds in just 21 days. Slim down and tone up in under a month!
2. No room for nonsense – The most simplistic Beachbody program ever, 21 Day Fix is designed for actual people who don’t have time for complicated food math, or lengthy exercise regimens. Using portion control and effective 30-minute workouts, this program is easy to get on and stay on—even after your 21 days!
3. Shakeology’s new best friend- Already a Shakeology lover? You don’t have to miss out on your daily dose of dense nutrition with this program. It’s integrated right into the meal plan!
4. Give calorie counting the boot – Say goodbye to the labors of counting calories. Complete with seven food-storage containers specifically designed to measure correct food portions, this program let’s you ditch the calculator so you can spend more time enjoying your food!
5. Save BIG on the Challenge Pack Promotion – Save $20 off your Challenge Pack when you buy in July your Challenge Pack is reduced from $160 to $140 and makes a perfect summer gift for yourself. October too!! 

6. Eat what you want - Lose weight by eating the right serving sizes—not by eliminating your favorite foods. Finally, a fitness program where you can have your wine and chocolate, and eat it, too!
7. FREE shipping PLUS Beachbody On Demand for the month of June  (Base Kit) – Need we say more? Rescue your waistline and your pocketbook by taking advantage of this limited-time, free-shipping offer. As well be able to workout ANYWHERE you have an internet connection with On Demand. This offer applies for October too. 
8. Easy-to-follow workouts – Fitness trainer Autumn Calabrese’s 30-minute, total-body workouts have no complicated dances moves or choreography, so people at any fitness level can start the program and wind up a workout champion! 
9. Modification for every move - Autumn’s workouts are designed to get your body moving while keeping you injury free. Whether you’re ready to push harder or need a modification, she provides the option you need so you get the workout you want.
10. No complicated recipes or weird food ingredients – 21 Day Fix is designed to help you make smarter choices about real food—none of that funky stuff you have to buy at a health food store. By eating your food in a smart way, you’ll set the routine for healthy eating habits that are sustainable for life.
11. A trainer you can relate to - A single mom, Autumn understands how real people don’t have time for complicated fitness and diet regimens. Workout with a trainer who understands what will work out for you.
12. All of these testimonials are amazing reasons:

    Chelsea O. – Lost 10 lbs. & 14 “Finishing the Fix, I don’t think I have ever felt this healthy, this strong, this accomplished in my entire life. I’m going to look my best on my wedding day and that is the biggest gift I could have ever received.”
13. Neil B. – Lost 11 lbs. & 9″ “I went from 168 to 157. To be able to do that in 21 days was amazing. I feel light. I feel fresh. I feel renewed. The 21 Day Fix, it’s my new secret weapon.”

14. Mary C. – Lost 64 lbs. & 57” “The way I look and the energy I have is just fantastic. I feel like I’m at least 20 years younger. It’s never too late to lose the weight. 21 Day Fix has definitely changed my life.” 

15. Deon C – Lost 111 lbs. & 58” “After completing the 21 Day Fix and achieving my results, I will continue to do the 21 Day Fix for as long as I live. I’m not stopping. It changed my life. It saved my life.”
16. Beachbody Co-founder and CEO, Carl Daikeler, even got amazing results! – Lost 12 lbs. “I was blown away at my 12-lb. weight loss and visible transformation in 21 days!”
17. Restaurant guide included – There’s no need to give up your social life in the name of weight loss. Using the 21 Day Fix Restaurant Guide, you’ll learn how to make smart choices while dining out with friends and family.
18. 21 days to a free t-shirt – Enter The Beachbody Challenge to get a free t-shirt and a chance to win up to $100,000! A shot at big money prizes and an ability to wear your hard-earned effort (literally) on your sleeve? Don’t pass this opportunity up.
19. Containers are perfect for meals on-the-go – Don’t let travel get in the way of your healthy eating. Your seven, perfectly portioned food containers are BPA free, DEHP free, top-rack dishwasher safe, and microwaveable, making them perfect to take to work or on your next vacation. 

20. Keep cooking for your family – Unlike other diet plans which have you eating pre- packaged meals or unpalatable dishes, 21 Day Fix let’s you eat real food, including the recipes you cook for your family. As long as your portions fit in your containers, you can still enjoy chowing down with the people you love.
21. Stay on track with the post-FIX maintenance guide – The hardest part about getting fit is staying fit. With the 21 Day Fix maintenance guide, you’ll be able to keep those hard earned results long after bathing suit season is over.

Need more details about the program CLICK HERE or message me at motivationbymichelle@gmail.com

June 23, 2015

Guiltless Chocolate

Ok, I'm craving chocolate, and it's a craving with a vengeance!  The carrots, cucumbers, and fruit aren't fixing this craving. Does this happen to anyone else??  I don't deprive myself of a craving; however, don't want to put junk into my body either.
These are so good, and thankfully are more of a healthified indulgence!!! So I whipped up a batch and now my craving is satisfied! :-)
Happy Tuesday Everyone!!

~ Guilt-free chocolate ~
4 Tbsp organic coconut oil
8 Tbsp Vegan or Regular Chocolate Shakeology
Melt oil. Mix in Shakeology. Pour into a muffin liner/pan and freeze for 5 minutes.
For more of an experience you can also add the layer of PB or almond butter. Freeze 15 min. Repeat the first step and freeze for 10!

New way to get in those superfoods with Shakeology?? Oh yeah!

June 22, 2015

Believe and you will see...

As I sat on the beach this afternoon starring out at the ocean I realized how blessed I truly am and how grateful I am I trusted my gut. Two years I signed my resignation letter and handed it to the director of the school I was working. I had nothing lined up for September and didn't even have a place to live yet, all I knew was... I was moving to the beach. My mom thought I was crazy and repeatedly asked 'you're really moving down the shore?'. To which I responded with 'yes, mom'. My aunt and Grammy kept saying to her 'Bon, she's got a good head on her shoulders she knows what she's doing.' However, it wasn't until I told her I could hear grandpa's voice saying 'you've got this kiddo!' that she was finally kinda on board. Along the way though I faced many unplanned struggles, the biggest being having the place I was supposed to move into fall through 3 weeks before I needed to out of my current place!!! Anyone else would have thrown on the towel... But not me!! I got on the phone with my bestie, we brainstormed and came up with a plan and a little financial help (thanks again). Two days later I met with Tara to check out the place I would end up moving into and do the roommate thing for the first time since college. I now had a place to live and my focus was on getting a job, which happened on Aug 25th. Moving day came and I had more stuff then I realized and ended up having to leave certain things behind and have my stepdad help me move things at 5am the next morning. During all this I was stressed out to point were at night I was elbowing myself in my sleep and would wake-up with huge bruises on my leg. I also wasn't working out and was kinda living on Shakeology. Even with all the stress and struggles (yes there are more) I never backed down from making my dream a reality. My faith and desire kept me going and its my faith and desire which keep me going with Beachbody. I have faced SO many struggles in my business, but I don't let this stop me. I take these struggles and learn from them. It is be learning from them in which I can now share what I've learned with my coaches, so they don't make the same mistakes I did. Unplanned events are part of life... It's what we do during these times and how we come out on the other side which matters most.

June 20, 2015

I would like to invite you to my FREE "What is Beachbody Coaching" Sneak Peak Group.
You will have the opportunity to hop into this group and learn how I have been able to go from lesson plans, emailing parents, and grading papers to being able to work my business from home or on the beach. How I have been able to grow as a person, step outside my comfort zone and help others do the same.
The photo says it all. You can have it all! And I am here to show you why and how! This group will not require you to pay for anything, you can just be a fly on the wall and learn about what it is I do as a Beachbody Coach. If you have been on the fence, watching on the side lines, nervous to take that leap, and just want to learn in more detail about how I have built a business from home, this is the group for you!
We will be together for 4 fun filled days! I promise you this will be worth your while and who knows, it could be the best decision you have made all year!
Comment below with your email address or message me and I will send you the link to join! We start on Monday June 22nd. :-) 

June 12, 2015




3 zucchini- cut into zoodles (noodles) using a zoodle cutter.
1 green bell pepper finely chopped
1/2 white onion finely chopped
3 stalks celery finely chopped
3 sprigs fresh basil finely chopped
Fresh dill to taste
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
2 Tablespoons Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
Mix all ingredients together, keep refrigerated until ready to serve.
Recipe by Autumn Calabrese. 

June 8, 2015

How to Get Fit Fast: Yes It Is Possible!

All of us want to be healthy and fit, but many of us would like to see some decent results in a shorter period of time. We want to know the tips and tricks to get some results. We want to know “How to Get Fit Fast”. Seeing results in a couple of weeks and seeing your body starting to change within a month or so, will help to keep you motivated and you will be more likely to keep going. At the same time, you need to make sure that you are keeping a balanced regimen and not overdoing it, as this can be counterproductive.
So what does it take to keep balance in nutrition and exercise, while still producing quick results? It really just comes down to your commitment and these few quick and easy tips.
A Balance of Cardio and Resistance Training: It has been scientifically proven time and again that having a balance of cardio exercise and resistance training, coupled with balance and flexibility training will create the greatest results. However, everyone is different so you will need to find the best balance for your body. The best way to do this is to utilize a program that has a pretty equal balance of cardio exercise days with strength/resistance training days.
Women, there is no reason to be worried about resistance training. You will not gain big bulky muscles with a balance cardio and resistance plan that utilizes the appropriate weights. Same goes for you men. Don’t think doing cardio is going to keep you from building the muscular physique that you desire. When you choose the right weights you can lose that fat, and put on the muscle you want.
It would be suggested that you spend a minimum of 21 days on a specific program to see how your body is responding. After the 21 days you may decide if your body seems to respond better to a few more days of cardio or resistance training and make changes to your program as necessary. Though it is highly suggested to have a minimum of two days per week that is resistance training. The 21 Day Fix is a great program to consider when starting out. It is perfectly balanced to provide results.
Consume a Balanced Nutrition Plan: If you want your muscles to repair and recover faster you need to have balanced nutrition. Balanced nutrition consists of portion control, and 4-6 servings of vegetables, 2-3 servings of fruit, 4-6 servings of lean proteins, 2-4 servings of high fiber grains, and 1-3 servings of healthy fats. The servings are determined by your total calorie consumption needed on a daily basis. A clean balanced nutrition plan will aid in weight loss, and help build lean muscle.
Within your balanced nutrition plan you will really want to put emphasis on vegetables and fruit. Remember that these should lead your plate. When your body has the nutrients it needs, your body can process the proteins better as well. This will create a healthier body inside and out, help keep your energy levels up, and overall aid in weight loss and muscle recovery.
Additionally, you could add a meal or snack replacement shake that also provides complete nutrition, like Shakeology. This will keep your nutrient levels at a proper level, increase your energy, provide you a high-quality source of lean protein, and all of your vitamins and minerals. You may want to consider some of these quality nutrition plans when to help you out. You will find complete balance in the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, or other Beachbody Programs that offer similar nutrition plans.
Do Something You Enjoy: There are a number of different programs, regimens, and activities that you can do that could create results. However, choosing a program, regimen or activities that you enjoy will make all the difference. Keep in mind that having a regimen with numerous different activities and exercises may create greater results. Let’s face it, it gets boring you spend a full hour on a treadmill or elliptical trainer. It is much more effective to participate in a program/regimen that is 30-40 minutes of highly effective cardio and resistance training that you enjoy.
An incredible option would be to take a look at Beachbody On-Demand. You can subscribe and gain access to over 150 different streaming workout videos that you can choose based on your interests and do in any location. So there is no getting bored since you can just pick a different program or workout every day if you so choose. Beachbody On-Demand also gives you an incredible variety of on-line tools like meal planners, shopping list, workout logs, and support from a Beachbody Coach at no additional cost!
What are you waiting for! You now have these quick and easy tips to start getting results right away. Start losing weight or building muscle, and create that healthy body you have always wanted.

June 1, 2015

21 Day Virtual Bridal Boot Camp

Accepting applications for 3 new bridal parties for a 21 day Bridal boot camp! Spots go FAST so read carefully...

If you have 10+ lbs to lose, nuptials on the horizon AND you have a competitive bone in your body...this was meant for you sister! (Pssst... there are some KICK A$$ prizes to be earned as well! I sure do know how to sweeten the pot don’t I? You bet your tight tush I do!)

If a 21 Day boot camp sounds like something which would help you get fit and fab for the big day, call your bridal party and get ready to join us for a life changing challenge that will be fun, effective and leave you feeling confident and stunning for the most important day of your life.

It doesn’t matter where you all live. Your entire bridal party can participate even if you all live in different states. See! Fun right?

Here’s how this will go down. I will accept NO MORE than 3 bridal parties to participate on my team. We’ll compete against my gorgeous Eternal Warrior coaches and their teams. There will be TONS of prizes to be won for the Bride (because it’s YOUR day sister and we get that!)

If you want me to consider you, you MUST Fill out this application ASAP http://bit.ly/21DayBridalBootCamp

Remember, I can only have THREE bridal parties on my team so make sure to sell me on why I should pick you! If you are in a wedding coming up make sure you tag the BRIDE!!!